North Florida 2021, Day 3

Today the boys went to the beach and the girls went on the 7 mile hike….we did it!
Kudos to Mr. Frazer who did the 7 mile hike TWICE.
The boys found a snake and a turtle at the beach, played football in the water, and had a great day all around.
The girls powered their way through the hike! After the half way point it began to rain. But wow did that rain feel good!
We continued our evening chapel theme on change and growth. As we each had a handful of clay we talked about the ways God shapes and molds us to become like Christ.
The boys went on a silent hike in the dark after that and the girls had a little pajama party.
Can’t believe we only have one more day in North Florida. Caverns and canoes up next!
by Amy Heidmann, parent blogger

North Florida 2021, Day 2

We were up early on Day 2, thanks to the Central Time Zone! After breakfast the girls headed to the beach at a State Park. Mr. Clark led us on a hike through the park. We saw the usual suspects of Florida wildlife here—gators, cranes, pelicans, turtles… but then it got interesting! Mr. Clark turned over a rotted log and discovered a broad-headed skink! Before we knew it he had caught that skink with his bare hands and was showing it to us all. What is a skink you might wonder? Its not a typo for skunk. A skink is a reptile in the lizard family. This one was about 8 inches long and 1 inch wide. See picture below! This is rare find in these parts and we were excited to see it!

We went for a long walk around the peninsula beach and enjoyed the beautiful emerald water and white sand of this region where sea cucumbers and sand crabs abound. And at the end of our walk, it was finally time to swim!

On our way home we stopped for an extra special surprise treat—Ice Cream, curtesy of a generous, anonymous donor. Thank you! Everyone thoroughly enjoyed this delicious snack after a long day on the beach!

While the girls strolled along the beach, the boys went on a 7 mile hike. Here is how the boys described the hike: Long. Hot. Your legs are sore. Painful. A bunch of steep hills. Steep. Hot. Exhausting. I’d do it again.

Mrs. O’Driscoll led our evening discussion, continuing our theme of change. Some change we can control, and some we cannot. We are image-bearers of God, with gifts to share, but we are imperfect. God loves you in the midst of change—even on your worst day. He knows all your thoughts. You are not the same person today that you were last year, and you are not the same person you will be next year.

We finished off Day 2 with a game of “Murder” (Like “Wink” or “Mafia”) and popcorn…. And a good time was had by all.


by Amy Heidmann, parent blogger

North Florida 2021, Day 1

Our seventh graders are spending the week in North Florida.

Our theme for the week is change, and the weather was no exception! We began our journey in cloudy misty Orlando and ended in the Panhandle sunshine! After 6 hours on the road we spent the rest of the afternoon with free time to explore, play games and sports, and relax.  After dinner, Mr. Clark led our evening chapel. We learned about the changes that God brought about in the lives of Jacob, Solomon, and the Apostle Paul in the Bible. And lest you think this group would turn in after that… our fearless leaders led everyone in an all out game of flashlight manhunt under the stars!  The competition was fierce but fun — the perfect way to end the day.  Tomorrow the girls are off to the beach and the boys will be hiking!

by Amy Heidmann, parent blogger

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July 27, 2024
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    Time: 9:00 am- 12:00 pm
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  • Sports Physical Clinic

    Date: July 27, 2024 - July 27, 2024
    Time: 9:00 am- 12:00 pm
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