Uniform: K4–6th Grade
The table below outlines the uniform guidelines for K4–6th grade students.
A few items to note:
- Appropriately sized and fitted shirts may be worn untucked.
- Girls in grades K4–2nd grade should wear blue bike shorts under their dresses.
- Girls may wear black, or navy solid-colored leggings/tights (no patterns) underneath their skorts, skirts, or dresses.
- Sixth grade girls and boys may wear the dialectic uniform as an option in the spring semester.
Dress for Every Day except Chapel
| Dress for Every Day except Chapel
Dress for Chapel (K–6th Grade)
| Dress for Chapel (K–6th Grade)
Guidelines for Shoes Students should wear shoes that are comfortable, practical, and conducive to outdoor play. Students may wear tennis shoes on any day but are required to wear tennis shoes on PE days. Girls may wear sandals (with a back strap) or ankle-high boots (2-inch ankle-height maximum) on non-PE days. Shoes that are not permitted include flip-flops, Crocs, slides, slippers, tall boots including many Uggs and all Dr. Martens, shoes with limited traction, and shoes with inappropriate graphics or lights. |
Dress for Spirit Fridays (usually the first Friday of each month and announced in Knight News) Any Geneva top (e.g. TGS polo, team or club shirt or sweater, or TGS shirt or sweater purchased through the school store) may be worn with uniform shorts, skirt, skort, or pants. |
Dress for Field Trips K4–6th grade students must wear the RED TGS monogrammed polo shirt on most field trips in order to provide our teachers and chaperones a simple and quick way to account for our students. Field trips on which the red polo is not required (such as SALT activities) will be communicated in advance. |
Non-Uniform Field Trips & Special Event Days (5th & 6th Grade) Mesh gym shorts (black) |
If you have ANY questions about the K4–6th grade uniform, please do not hesitate to contact Sarah Cloke in the advancement office.